Tim Simpson, DDS

Veneers Can Close Gaps between the Teeth

Mar 31, 2020 @ 01:42 PM — by Dr. Tim Simpson
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers

A gap between your teeth can be a source of embarrassment. If you wish to address one or more large spaces between your teeth, Dr. Tim Simpson can place custom-made porcelain veneers that close gaps and enhance your smile.

Many of our Abilene, TX, patients have had porcelain veneers placed to address gaps and other aesthetic dental issues.

How Do Porcelain Veneers Close Gaps between Teeth?

Veneers are uniquely suited to address gaps between teeth. The thin porcelain shells are cemented to the front of anterior teeth. They offer dramatic cosmetic results because the shells can completely reshape the appearance of a tooth.

If you have a diastema, or gap, between your two front teeth, for example, Dr. Simpson can have two veneers fabricated that are slightly larger than your current teeth. The extra porcelain can meet at a natural point between the teeth and close the gap in your smile.

When Are Veneers Not an Option for Closing Gaps?

Porcelain veneers are almost always a great solution for closing gaps between teeth. If you have a large gap between your teeth, veneers may not be an option. There has to be enough natural tooth structure behind a veneer to support it.

Veneers may not be the best option if you do not have sufficient healthy enamel present. In order to receive a veneer, a small layer of tooth structure must be removed to make room for the shell. Otherwise, the veneer may protrude and appear bulky.

Some patients may be candidates for prepless CERINATE® LUMINEERS™.

What Are My Treatment Alternatives for Gapped Teeth?

Veneers are a great option for closing gaps because the entire process can be completed within a few weeks.

Another effective treatment for gaps is Invisalign. If you have large gaps or multiple gaps between your teeth, Invisalign can close those unwanted spaces.

For crowded teeth, the aligner trays can gently nudge teeth outward so they can properly align. Addressing gaps works with the opposite approach, by pulling teeth slightly inward. Invisalign treatment can take several months or even a few years to complete, but there is no significant alteration to your natural tooth structure.

Are Veneers the Right Treatment for Me?

If you have healthy teeth and minor gaps then you are probably a great candidate for veneers. The first step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Simpson. Once your candidacy is established, your teeth will be prepped and you will be fitted with temporary veneers. Some patients may be candidates for prepless CERINATE® LUMINEERS™, which allows for shorter treatment time.

Once your teeth are prepared, images of your teeth will be taken, and your veneers will be fabricated by a trusted dental lab that works with only the finest materials. After a few weeks, the porcelain shells will arrive back at our office and Dr. Simpson will place them using a strong cement.

Schedule Your Porcelain Veneer Consultation Today

Porcelain veneers are a great solution for gaps. Dr. Simpson maintains the highest standards of care when performing cosmetic treatments. He is a noted cosmetic dentist, and a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD).

To schedule your next visit to our office, please contact our dental team online or call (325) 677-6553.