Tim Simpson, DDS

Can I Drink Coffee after Teeth Whitening?

May 13, 2019 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. Tim Simpson
Tagged with: Teeth Whitening

Many of the foods and beverages that people enjoy on a regular basis can stain the teeth. One of the greatest culprits when it comes to tooth discoloration is coffee, a beverage that many people drink daily. Professional teeth whitening brightens the teeth by several shades, while removing surface stains that detract from the beauty of the smile.

Although the effects of teeth whitening are impressive, they will not last forever. At Dr. Tim Simpson’s practice in Abilene, TX, patients will need to take special care to keep the teeth white in the days and weeks after treatment. Most patients are eager to know if maintaining whitening results means giving up their favorite foods or beverages, like coffee.

Here, Dr. Simpson offers tips for drinking coffee after teeth whitening without compromising the effects of treatment.

Adhere to the 48 Hour Window Rule

We want teeth whitening treatment to give our patients the bright, white smile they desire, but we don’t want them to sacrifice the things they enjoy to get the smile they want. While we wouldn’t ask patients to give up coffee indefinitely, we do ask that they take certain precautions immediately following treatment.

The bleaching agents that are in teeth whitening gel make tooth enamel especially porous, which means the teeth will be even more susceptible to discoloration for a short period of time. To preserve the effects of teeth whitening treatment, patients should avoid dark-colored foods and beverages (including coffee) for at least 48 hours after treatment. As long as patients stay away from foods and beverages such as coffee, tea, wine, and dark berries for 48 hours, they will not risk compromising the effects of treatment.

Tips for Maintaining Tooth Color

The first few days after teeth whitening treatment are when patients need to be especially careful about protecting their teeth from stains and discoloration. However, to maintain whitening results as long as possible, our Abilene patients should continually take care to preserve tooth color, even months after undergoing treatment.

If patients choose to drink coffee regularly, they are at a greater risk of developing surface stains or discoloration on the teeth. Fortunately, there are certain tips that can help coffee drinkers maintain a brighter and whiter smile:

Learn More

If you are considering professional teeth whitening and are concerned about how drinking coffee will affect the results of treatment, contact us at your earliest convenience to learn more about proper aftercare. You can also schedule an appointment with Dr. Tim Simpson to find out if teeth whitening is right for you by calling (325) 677-6553.